Our aim is to get everyone moving

Stay up to date on our upcoming events and get ready to participate.

Upcoming Events

Fitness-X 2018

The Open offers two training options: Scaled or RX'd. The first involves full participation in the event. Athletes from all over the world will be able to compare their results with those of others on a regional basis, personal data or based on the gym they belong to. Enter your results in the official Fitness app ...

Muscle Up Workshop

The purpose of this two hour workout is the main goal of Fitness: to strengthen the muscles! Six-time regional fitness champion Bam Bam will follow you in shoulder exercises, pull-ups and grip changes ...

Next: Core-Training

With effective and complex exercises, participants receive training focused on the central part of the body. Muscle development ensures more stability, improves coordination and makes performance more sustainable. Sequences of functional movements ...

Free Powerlifting Course

Biceps, triceps, shoulders and back should be trained with the barbell. In our Powerlifting course, the trainers will provide you with the basic knowledge to train with barbells and dumbbells. The course is therefore ideal for beginners.

Past events

The WOD Team at Christmas

Our trainers have come up with something special for the holidays - a perfect WOD Christmas for fitness enthusiasts. Welcome holidays!

Come visit

Have you always wanted to know what Fitness is and how a training session at our gym works? Welcome to the Open Day! Here you will find all the information about our trainers, equipment, training programs and our club.

Indoor competition

Run faster, jump higher, lift more weight - if you don't fear competition, this is for you! And don't think we forgot the fun. Sign up for the competition and challenge your limits!

United In Movement

It is not just the body training, but the group that makes Fitness a unique life experience. We want to dedicate a whole day to this aspect and invite everyone to an official meeting.
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