EVENTS - Upcoming muscle-ups clinic


Muscle Up Workshop

The purpose of this two hour workout is the main goal of Fitness: to strengthen the muscles! Six-time regional fitness champion Bam Bam will follow you through shoulder exercises, pull-ups and grip changes as well as teaching you jumping techniques and other muscle exercises. We always remember the importance of building strong muscles before including kipping in training: this is precisely the purpose of training.

Many years of professional training

A well-developed muscle structure is essential to being fit and leading a healthy life, because it is essential to maintain correct posture and not have back pain. A workout aimed at muscle development is therefore very important, especially in Fitness: only in this way will you be able to carry out the exercises safely and effectively, improving performance and avoiding injuries. his is why we want to show new members how to develop muscles correctly. The six-time regional champion Bam Bam is the perfect coach for this task: his many years of experience guarantees him the necessary competence to teach the most important movement sequences and take into account with empathy the individual needs, both in the case of beginners and athletes. experts.

Register Now For The Workshop

If you want to work on muscle development with Bam Bam in our club, sign up now: places are limited! Have you already signed up but no more time to participate? Please let us know promptly and unsubscribe so that someone else can participate in your place.

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